Topic: New Research

New Research: International Baccalaureate, Mali Family Planning, Shadow Diplomat in Brazil, and Japanese Rural Health
This edition of our monthly series, New Research, highlights the global nature of our archives, with reports drawing from the records of the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Davison Fund, and the papers of several individuals.

New Research: South India Deltas, Postwar Taiwan Medicine, Office of Inter-American Affairs, and Chilean Agriculture
This edition of New Research features RAC Research Reports that cite records from the Ford Foundation, the China Medical Board, and the Rockefeller Foundation, and the papers of Nelson A. Rockefeller.

New Research: Student Exchanges, Education in India, Peking Union Medical College, and Climate Change
This particular set of reports cites records from the Institute of International Education, the Ford Foundation, the China Medical Board, and the Rockefeller Foundation. Their authors come from three different continents.

New Research: Turkish Architecture, Southern Diaspora, British Colonial Universities, and Fernand Léger
This set of reports cites records from the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Commonwealth Fund, General Education Board, International Education Board, and the Office of the Messrs. Rockefeller, as well as the personal papers of Nelson A. Rockefeller and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

New Research: Eugenics Research in China, Malaria Vaccine, Refugee Scholars, Institute of Pacific Relations
For this edition of our monthly series, records from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Office of the Messrs. Rockefeller of the Rockefeller family archives, as well as the papers of John Z. Bowers and Harold H. Loucks have been cited.

New Research: Iran Rural Health, Philanthropic Timeliness, Graciela Olivarez, and Chilean Agriculture
In this round-up, researchers report their findings from RAC holdings including the Rockefeller Foundation records, the personal papers of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and his advisor, Frederick T. Gates, and those of David Lelewer, advisor to John D. Rockefeller, 3rd.

New Research: Kenyan Wildlife, Westchester Housing, US-China Exchanges, and Institute of International Education
The latest in the RAC New Research series highlights reports from archival research by stipend recipients, covering subjects from Kenyan Wildlife Preserves, Westchester Housing Plans, US-China Music Exchanges, and Institute of International Education. This month’s installment uses many personal papers from the RAC collections.

New Research: Prison Plastic Surgery, Indian Fellowships, Thai Nursing Program, and Nam June Paik
The latest RAC New Research series highlights reports from archival research by stipend recipients, covering diverse subjects from prison plastic surgery policies in the Civil Rights era to Indian art fellowship impacts and the roots of Thai nursing education. It includes discussions on the effects of patronage on video art and Thai-Filipino-American healthcare interactions, revealing the historical role of Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in enabling progressive social and cultural studies.

New Research: Nixon’s Latin American Policy, Failed Yellow Fever Eradication, Mexican Fellows, and Nigerian Public Health
Our New Research series offers readers a venue to take a peek at recent archival research at RAC. It presents newly published reports submitted by RAC travel stipends recipients who have pursued their studies using our collections. In this edition of our series, the researchers’ reports showcase how our collections document events and people’s lives…

New Research: Modern Medicine in Seoul, Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller and Asian Art, Burma Magazine Supplement, Agricultural Missionary Work
This edition features reports exploring the records of the China Medical Board, the Asian Cultural Council, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and several individuals.