Topic: Cold War

Photo Essay: “Masterpieces of Asian Art in American Collections,” a 1960 Exhibition of the Asia Society
Asia Society’s first public exhibition in 1960, “Masterpieces of Asian Art in American Collections,” launched decades of exhibitions aimed at bringing Asian arts and cultures to American audiences. Photos show the broad range of diverse media and geographical areas represented in the exhibition.

The Rockefeller Foundation and Civil Liberties During the Early Cold War
A foundation-supported publication challenged McCarthyism and caused a controversy.

Rebuilding Asia and Europe: the Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Post-World-War II Reconstruction
Foundation policy toward reconstruction was shaped by uncertainty over Europe’s — and in particular Germany’s — future

Saving a Language: The Korean Dictionary Comes to Life Against Tough Odds
What might appear to be a simple publication project came to fruition only after a decade of political upheaval, cultural repression, war, and Rockefeller Foundation support.

Ping-Pong Diplomacy: NGOs and International Relations
When a friendly interaction unexpectedly emerged between American and Chinese table tennis players, one nonprofit seized the opportunity to support broader cultural diplomacy.