Topic: Child Health

Legitimizing the Social Sciences: The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in the 1920s
What began as a philanthropic fund to honor its namesake became an early force in the social sciences.

Timeline: American Foundations and the History of Public Health
Key points in the history of American foundations’ engagement with public health.

Sour Milk: Preventing Infant Mortality with Public Health
Philanthropy’s role in cleaning up the milk supply prompted better federal food safety protections.

Cover Your Mouth: Controlling an Epidemic Through Hygiene
Century-old tips to prevent infection still make sense today.

20th Century
The “Insulin Gift”
In 1923, a wealthy philanthropist’s funding helped make life-saving treatment for diabetes available to patients and doctors.

Photo Essay: The Rockefeller Sanitary Commission and the American South
Battling hookworm on rural farms laid the groundwork for a global public health system.